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Wednesday, 16 January 2013

General Grumpiness

Whats been going on in Boonie Shedtune land the last couple of weeks?

I had to laugh when C4 received  complaints from what I assume were daily mail readers regarding the taste of some of the "bum and willy" jokes broadcast on news years eve,the comedians response was very good stating that their material  was  in far better taste and less offensive  than the shite pumped out in Eastenders and the like  -The view from the shed is why don't theses "Daily Mail" readers simply switch channel- or go to bloody bed and stop trying to ruin a  bit of fun ,in fact life is meant to be fun so here is a nice picture of Billie and some Daleks....for fun

On another note I was left high and dry at a petrol station the other week- twenty liters of unpaid for fuel in the car along with two children and  one at sodding Ballet class- where I was meant to be picking her up,the cash machine ate my bank card - I only put it the sodding thing to get a balance -surrounded by posters claiming to contact the Police immediately if you hadn't  the means to pay, I had visions of the rozzers picking up my Daughter from  " South West little darlings Dance School" -I could just see the faces of the yummy mummy's who look disapprovingly enough at me in steel cap boots and work clothes  unshaven, unkempt and generally a bit smelly as I drop her off and pick her up - officers explaining Daddies tried to "blag" a forecourt -I gave my details to the forecourt attendant and promised to come back later to settle the fuel bill,the queue  was massive behind me everyone giving me the "we don't believe you look- your skint and made us late you twat"
 I phoned my bank to explain what had happened they informed me a new card and pin would be sent at a cost of £5 - I then went into a rant explaining I hadn't damaged the card or lost it- I knew where it was -in the  bloody machine and why should I pay the £5 for a new card ?
On returning to the petrol station to settle up -the attendant explained that not five minutes after it had swallowed my card it ate someone else's- thus rendering them unable to pay - I asked why he hadn't  put an "Out of order" sign on it after it roggered mine- he replied he didn't believe my story that it was a machine fault and assumed my bank had put a stop on the card - twat
 It just reminded me how dependent we have become on technology and vowed to keep at least a tenner on my person in the future!
On a happier note I sent an email to my bank explaining I wasn't happy about the £5 charge believe it or not they refunded me 

Whilst not doing my Daddy jobs Shed erection has progressed with the installation of power and lighting along with two coats of floor paint which I hope will cure OK with the low ambient temperatures we have been having 
First coat of paint going on
As for anything interesting to put in the shed progress on getting the Rover P6 fired up has been slowed down by a snapped spark plug and the Cumbrian contingent of Shedtune  "Shedmonkey Homer" suffering a chest infection - I blame it on him not having a fag for four months and taking up running -dick head, anyway he hopes to have "The bastard thing running this week" - his words not mine!
 Then it will be brought to Shedtune HQ to be made ready for its Jolly Boys trip to the South of France -Nice Pint 2013 

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