The discs will live to fight another day just a light skim is needed to get them usable -looking back through the cars history they were replaced in 2000 and done all of 3,000 miles! The calipers gave up their rusty pistons after a two day battle- which I won ,then the sodding boy racer fairy broke into the shed and covered them in "fire red" paint-least he made a good job of it and all I need do is fit the new seal kit and replacement pistons
The history file made interesting reading I noted the diff was replaced in 1996 and has only covered 20,000 miles so that will be the one going into the "Taxi" (with new oil seals) this will offset the 14" wheels and give it a bit of help up the steep alpine passes Ellis has planned for us on the 10CR - the higher ratio 2.5 (3.45:1) diff will find its way into the stag to keep the cruising revs down on its RV8 engine coupled to LT77 box
In between those tinkerings I have been setting fire to my overalls and getting on with the welding repairs to the Stag -I note from the cars history- 2003 MOT failure sheet "excess corrosion " N/S rear suspension I wonder if this is when the botcher did his worst and used the paint tin lid for the rear spring locator ..twat!
Anyway you can see some progress below in repairing the body-long way to go yet but I hope to have the repair sections in by the end of the week and the inner sill on,I'm looking forward to my two weeks paternity leave to get the floors in!