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Tuesday, 29 July 2014

Peachy belgium buns

Its a week into the Holidays ....only another 5 days of this and I can off load the kids at a pre-paid play/activity scheme for a whole week  ...its a bit pricey - but  worthwhile - I would gladly sell a working organ to fund a full 6 weeks worth...actually its not bad value as you can off load them at 9.30 they get fed lunch and dinner before you have to go and get them again around 6pm....
but looking forward to being at work for the week ..

The now 5 year old boy excelled  himself in Sainsburys this morning.... making his standard  sprint down isle 5 to the bakery department shouting "Donuts" ..he stopped dead in his tracks (described by him as doing a cool skid) pointed to some iced  Belgium buns and changed his high pitched chant of donuts to an excited exclamation of   "look Daddy boobie buns"

 "That's nothing"  said the 9 year old boy nonchalantly "These donut peaches look like butt cracks"
School boy laughter ensued as I tried to chastise them -thank god the 7 year old girl wasn't  there to offer here opinion on the items in the fruit and veg isle -she was re-enacting  "Frozen" in a village hall somewhere as part of her "musical dance class" -bloody bargain that just have to provide pack lunch drop off  and run ... then the  main body of your day inst subjected to "let it sodding go" being sang/played on a loop with occasional  accompaniment from 5 year using the the words  his 9 year old brother has taught him "Let it flow...let it flow....let it poo...let it poo" - this version will always induce a drama queen strop and possible fist fight between Sister and Brother,then Daddy begging them to be nice to each other whilst he paints another  bloody wall in a shade of Swedish chalky effect blue